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musings from linda 7/12/24

“Ding dong merrily on high, in Heaven the bells are ringing!

 Ding dong, verily the sky is riv’n with angels singing!

 Gloria in excelsis deo!”


 Whaaaaat?   Is it Christmas already??? 


NO! —  It is Carillon Dedication Sunday!


For eons, the sound of a   BELL  has been a vitally important part of life! Bells rang in early times to call folks to gather together for all sorts of reasons —  to celebrate, to eat, to be alerted to danger, to worship, as a call that aid was needed.  Hearing that unique sound resonated in the hearts of all within the community and people knew to cease activity and head to the gathering place for the news.

As time went on, the designated spot became the church, and the bell called out to the spirits of all people, reminding them that they were part of God’s family. How to make sure the sound carried far and wide ?  Build a high steeple with a bell tower!  As early as the eighth century, steeple, spires and  towers became a common sight in every village, town and city.  Often including a clock, since accurate timepieces were hard to come by, the upward sweep of the spire drew folks’ eyes heavenward.

Whether in a little Vermont town, in the Swiss alps, on the prairie, in a European town or in North Madison Connecticut, church towers stand proudly all over the world with bells ringing out the faith…


About the time that Columbus set sail in 1492,  the CARILLON,  a musical instrument made up of a set of tuned  bells able to play beautiful tunes, originated in the “Low Countries” ( Belgium and The Netherlands).  Renewed interest in the 20th century saw some churches in America installing them but since they were so expensive, only the wealthiest of churches could afford them.

                                Enter — the  DIGITAL ELECTRONIC AGE!


Now, the special sounds of bells — in a huge variety of different styles— can be reproduced without having to have an entire set of actual bells in the steeple!  Funeral bells can toll, celebratory  bells can peal, bells can strike the hour and can also play all types of hymns and songs — announcing our church presence in the community and touching the hearts of all within listening range.

Thanks to a generous gift from Scott and Robin Chassé — as well as Charles and Harriet Hofrichter through the Hofrichter Fund at NMCC —  our long silent bell tower will again ring with the sound of joyful bells — every single day!


Join us on Sunday as we dedicate this beautiful carillon!


Listen to the choir sing DING DONG MERRILY ON HIGH (click here for a preview)

  AND to our tenor and bass choir sing two STUNNING anthems!

    Savor the exquisite beauty of the bells,

      Celebrate together with your NMCC community,

         And sing in praise of our God who has blessed us with the amazing gift of MUSIC!



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