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musings from linda 6/28/24

Our world seems to take delight in building barriers of EX-clusion.  WE and “THEY”… US and “THEM”… NORMAL and “OTHER”… implying, of course, that WE and people who look, act and live like US are the only “acceptable” ones.


In contrast, how wonderful to proclaim at NMCC — 


“No matter who you are — or where you are on life’s journey —   YOU ARE WELCOME HERE!!” 

Being an OPEN AND AFFIRMING congregation, we have made a commitment to REMOVE barriers and walls separating people, affirming that every single person —  BARRING NONE!! — is a beloved child of God — welcome and safe within our church community. 


LGBTQIA+ PRIDE MONTH is currently celebrated each year in the month of June to recognize the 1969 Stonewall Uprisings in Manhattan, which marked a beginning of outlawing discriminatory laws and practices against LGBTQIA+ Americans.  Throughout the month of June, picnics, parades, workshops, concerts and countless other activities commemorate years of struggle for civil rights — and the ongoing pursuit of equal justice under the law for the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersexual and asexual community. 

At NMCC we try to live out Edwin Markham’s wonderful poem “OUTWITTED:”

       “He drew a circle that shut me out

            Heretic, rebel, a thing to flout; 

                  But Love and I had the wit to win —

                         We drew a circle that took him in.”   

This Sunday, as we celebrate PRIDE within worship, we welcome special guest speaker Jillian Celentano, a woman of trans experience who transitioned at the age of 55 and who has since committed her life to helping others by working as a therapist for the transgender and gender diverse population. In honor of our sacred intention to create a circle of inclusive, welcoming LOVE in our church, the choir will sing DRAW THE CIRCLE WIDE.  We actually learned this anthem during the time of COVID —and since then it has quickly become one of our favorites!

 “Draw the circle, draw the circle wide…

          No one stands alone, we’ll stand side by side…

              Draw the circle wide; draw it wider still —  

                   Let this be our song, no one stands alone! 

                         Draw the circle wide.”


Click here to listen — and then plan to join us on Sunday to celebrate with us in person! 

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